The New Way to Work
Work internally or with external partners in a complete new way.
Social Apps For Enterprises support you.
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Energizing People's Work
| Focus, Find, Do
Bubble Explorer helps to focus on top priorities and making it easier to see the most important things from different sources in one place (Mails/Messages/Tweets, Notes Documents, Todos, Activities, Files, Sales Pipeline etc.), allows users to find and share information, and take control on actions. |
| Integration of E-Mail with collaboration
By using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and new techniques of data visualization (Bubble Explorer) and sorting it automates and simplyfies eMail management and reduces time in searching and managing the inbox. Mail and other messages from SM channels is more integrated and a function of the collaboration system. |
| Easy collaboration in Projects
Smart social Project Management and collaboration empowers teams to increase engagement, keep control on tasks, and improve productivity by better collaboration without e-mail. |
| Improved Product Management, higher Cross-Selling rate
Collaborative editing, commenting, rating on products and share best practice with colleagues. A Produpedia (sales-wiki) helps to share sales processes, product knowledge and customer information. |
| Deepen your customer relationship
Better knowledge about customers and more efficient communication increase service level and cross-selling rate. Mores sales, faster growth. Close deals anywhere, anytime. |
| The new way of internal communication
safebook lets you follow co-workers, hot customer cases, collaborate on business documents and simultaneously update important pieces of data. You don't have to look for information - the information will find You. Safebook offers a tight integration of social collaboration, business processes and workflow management – all abstracted in one cloud-based offering. |
Wie lässt sich die Zusammenarbeit im Unternehmen einfacher und effektiver gestalten?
Sie kennen das wahrscheinlich - "Nach dem Meeting ist vor dem Meeting". Da werden Protokolle geschrieben und samt zugeteilter ToDos per Mail an die Teilnehmerrunde geschickt - und sofort wieder vergessen...
Das Thema Collaboration ist allerdings nur eine der
Stellschrauben, die es zu beachten gilt, um den Grundstein für
ein komfortableres modernes Arbeiten im Büro zu legen: Wie lässt
sich das Erledigen von Tasks vereinfachen, die E-Mail-Flut
eindämmern oder auch ortsunabhängiges Arbeiten sicherstellen,
kurz: die Unternehmenskommunikation in die Neuzeit heben?
Das bietet Ihnen bereits die kostenlose safebook Version.